Recent Activities

Matchmaking for American companies- 2023 & 2024

For several companies from various sectors we found partners in the Netherlands / the European Union.

- medical - transport - distribution - agriculture - solar energy - horticulture - IT - food - food Ingredients - design - heating systems - camping pods - operating systems for robots, CNC machines - miniature trains - port logistics - garden products - perfumeries - superyachts - cycling - surgical instruments - real estate - vegan grated cheese - and many more......

Invest in Africa Summit- 16-17 May 2023 & 2024

Invest in Africa Summit - Full program with focus on promotion and facilitation of international trade between Africa and Europe, North America, and Asia.

Invest in Africa Summit gathered key economic players such as government delegations and policy makers, high-profile African leaders, project developers, investors, and entrepreneurs.
The 2-days event provided a unique platform to gain strategic knowledge about African investment opportunities and business networking. The convention covered economic sectors such as manufacturing and infrastructure development, agribusiness, Renewable Energy, Real Estate transportation, Digital Technology tourism, Financing SMEs, Women in Business, Healthcare, telecommunications, and Fintech, and natural resources sectors. High-potential projects in Africa were presented to international investors. Featured agenda items included projects showcase, capacity building workshops deal marketplace, exhibition, country presentations, and among others.

Opening times

maandag               9:00–17:00

dinsdag                 9:0017:00

woensdag             9:0017:00

donderdag            9:0017:00

vrijdag                   9:0017:00

Matchmaking for companies from the UK- 2023

For several companies from various sectors we found partners in the Netherlands / the European Union.
- HAVAC - horticulture - IT - food & drinks - design - chemicals - E-commerce distribution - health - hospitals   - cosmetics - creative/design

Incoming trade mission from Wales - December 2022, November 2023 & November 2024

In cooperation with IBDG and the Governement of Wales we organised matchmaking for the participating companies for various sectors ranging form Consumer goods, E-Health, Energy, Orthopedics, Event software and more.

Some immediate results: 3 month before the mission one participant already concluded a sales contract with Garden center De Bosrand, during the mission 4 participants appointed an agent/distributor and 2 wrote a first sizable order!

Interesting to find out was the fact that in E-Health IT Solutions the companies from Wales were way in front of the Dutch competition... 

Incoming trade mission from Africa - 2022 & 2023

We successfully organised a multinational trade mission (Kenia, Tanzania, South-Africa, Uganda, Rwanda) with a full weeks program in various sectors (horticulture, tropical fruits &vegetables, animal husbandry, agriculture) including matchmaking.

Various matchmaking projects - USA, UK and Wales - 2022, 2023 & 2024

We successfully concluded matchmaking projects in the following sectors:

+ Ocean shipping
+ Vegan cheese
+ Sustainable energy source for ships
+ Fruits & Vegetables
+ A remote safety monitoring solution
+ Medical devices and gas separation technology
+ Bikes and Bike insurance
+ EU regulations concerning trailers
+ Sample collection software
+ Calling device for institutional sector

Export SIB Coaching & Matchmaking projects for Dutch companies 2022-2023-2024

We have coached several Dutch companies from various sectors to help them professionalise their export strategy. 
Another activity is SIB B2B matchmaking in international markets for Dutch companies.